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Is Being Tender-Headed Genetic? Explained

Have you ever considered why some people feel discomfort and tenderness during the hair care routine? The answer to this question lies within the genes. Genetic factors play an important role in determining the texture of hair, whether it is wavy, curly, or straight. Moreover, it also helps to determine the individual strands of hair.

In addition, whenever a person experiences a tender head, the common question that always arises in their mind is, “Is being tender-headed genetic?” Genes can be one of the reasons for scalp tenderness. Here, we have discussed the relationship between genetics and being tender-headed and how genes can influence the sensitivity of the strands.

Get To Know About Hair Texture And Genetics

In order to understand how genetics can influence being tender-headed, we should first understand hair texture. Generally, genes are the key factor that determines our hair texture, whether curly, straight, kinky, or wavy. The particular genes we inherit from our parents determine the natural texture of our hair, impacting its properties and structure.

These genetic components influence the overall look of the hair as well as how different hair care techniques react. For example, people with kinky or curly hair may have noticed their hair strands get easily tangled. Due to this, they can experience irritation while detangling or brushing.

Relationship Between Genetics and Tender Headed

The relationship between genetics and a tender head becomes more evident when considering the inherent characteristics of various hair types. The kinky and curly hair type is more likely to get tangles and knots because of the structure of the hair shaft. Due to this, you tend to be more sensitive to touch at the time of grooming.

In addition, the outer layer of hair, known as the cuticle, can be thicker or thinner, depending on your hair type. If you have thinner cuticles, your hair may be more prone to breakage and damage, which leads to tenderness.

However, genetics plays an important role in knowing the texture of hair. It is important to understand the other causes that can influence the overall health and sensitivity of the strands.

Other Causes Of Scalp Tenderness

If you suffer from scalp tenderness, you will generally suffer from redness, dandruff flakes, itchiness, and sometimes medical problems or infections.

Scalp sensitivity is a condition that can get better with time. However, understanding the cause of scalp tenderness is essential. Below are some of the other causes that can be the reason for tender headed:


The scalp is the unprotected part of your body. Therefore, it is exposed to the sun just like the rest of your skin and can suffer from sunburn.

Skin Disorders

Dermatitis is one of the skin conditions that might cause scalp tenderness. Due to this, you can suffer from swollen skin, rashes, and inflammation. These symptoms will likely occur because of things like hair products, laundry detergents, certain metals, etc.

Scalp Underlying Condition

You may experience scalp tenderness because of some scalp underlying conditions that can make your skin weak. A weak scalp means it will protect the good stuff less, like keeping the irritants away and unlocking the moisture in the scalp.


Folliculitis, furunculosis, and carbunculosis are hair follicle infections that cause scalp tenderness. These infections can cause sores, feel warm during touch, and are unpleasant.


You can feel pain in the scalp because of tension headaches. Moreover, anxiety, stress, and depression make the symptoms worse.


There are two types of build-up on your scalp: natural build-up and product build-up. A natural build-up occurs when dead skin or excess sebum builds up on your scalp. This can happen when you haven’t washed your head in a while.

In addition to natural build-up, you can also experience product build-up on your scalp. Product build-up occurs when hair products, such as dry shampoo, hair spray, or other hair care products, build up on your scalp.

Also Read: How To Get Rid Of Tender Head? What’s The Solution?

Tips To Manage Scalp Tenderness

Now that we know the reasons for scalp tenderness, whether it be genetic or other causes, below we have discussed some of the tips through which you can handle scalp tenderness.

Look For The Right Hair Care Products

Choosing hair care products according to your hair type can make a lot of difference. Moisturizing shampoos and conditioners specifically made for kinky or curly hairs can keep the hair hydrated and lessen the risk of tangling.

Techniques To Gently Detangle The Hairs

For individuals who are prone to tenderness, it is important for them to opt for gentle detangling techniques. Use a comb with a wide-toothed, or use your fingers to detangle the hairs. You can especially practice this technique when your hair is wet and conditioned, as it helps to reduce discomfort and breakage.

Trim Regularly

Regular trimming is an important part of maintaining healthy hair, especially for those with kinky or curly textures. Trimming reduces the risk of split ends, knots, and tangles.

Protective Hairstyles

Protective hairstyles like braids or twists are a great way to avoid manipulation and tangles. They also give your hair a chance to stay hydrated and healthy.

Home Remedies To Try Out

The home remedies you can try out to get relief from a tender head are:

  • Apply a gentle circular massage to the scalp with your fingertips. Use a chemical-free oil enriched with essential oils to help your scalp heal faster. Essential oils like mineral oil, jojoba oil, castor oil, lavender oil, and more. One of our favorite oils in this category is The Original Tender Head Adult Oil. This oil contains 11 essential oils specially formulated for soothing an irritated scalp.
  • Apply heat or cold packs for 10 minutes at a time.
  • Get rid of tight hair positions you’ve held for so long.

Note: Stretching can also help with your scalp sensitivity, which may happen due to muscle pain, tightness, or headaches.

Hair care products can also contain chemicals that can irritate your scalp and make the situation worse. So, the best thing you can do is to invest in good hair care products specifically for sensitive heads. For example, you can buy products from a company specializing in treating scalp tenderness, like Original Tender Head. Thus, you can be sure that everything you put on your head will not only not irritate your skin but also help to soothe your sensitive scalp and treat your tender head in the long run.


In the same way, we look after any other part of the body, the scalp is also an important part of the body. From the beginning, only if you know how to get rid of problems such as dryness, loss of hair, itchiness, and discomfort everything will be easier for you. Once you know “is being tender-headed genetic,” it will make things clearer for you, and you can look for better treatment. If you have tried everything but are still experiencing a tender head, you need to consult a medical expert.

In addition, the products you use on your scalp also have a big impact. If you want to get rid of a tender scalp, you can use trusted products. Click here to see a selection of products that can help you eliminate tender head.

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